Forest School Association Website
Adventure Training North East provide accredited Forest School qualifications at levels 1, 2 and 3 which are regulated by OfQual. ITC Level 3 Certificate for Forest School Leaders (RQF) Qualification Number: 603/3213/X
At Level 3 candidates attend 9 days of face to face (9.00-5.00) training and assessment to equip them with the skills to lead on Forest School sessions. Additional visits will be made to candidate's own site to observe and assess the delivery of a session(s). Forest School leaders must also hold a valid Outdoor First Aid certificate appropriate to working with children in woodland settings.
As part of the course candidates are asked to take part in 7.5 hours of evening or weekend webinars, split into manageable chunks of 5 x 1.5 hours at times convenient to the majority of the cohort. These webinars will be recorded and discussions used to evidence assessment criteria, so reducing the quantity of written evidence required in portfolios.
Contact Caroline Chamberlain:
Tel: 07722 16 30 82
or use our contact form.
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