E-mail: info@atne.co.uk ▪ Tel: 07713 25 46 49

info@atne.co.uk ▪ 07713 25 46 49 ▪

Climbing Activities

Adventure Training North East's climbing instructors deliver rock climbing courses in Northumberland, Yorkshire and the Lake District. Our lead Instructor has 30+ years of climbing experience throughout Europe, especially the Costa Blanca and El Chorro regions of Spain. The following gives a taste of what we love to do, but if you have an exciting idea or you would like us to run a bespoke climbing activity, don't hesitate to contact us. We will be very pleased to help!

The climbing trip is always made a success due to the excellent organistaion of the trip, the positive relationships Jon and Caroline quickly and easily establish with the students and the clear progression all students make in their climbing skills